O škole

Špeciálny pedagóg

Výchovný poradca

Školský psychológ

CLIL - matematika, 1. stupeň

pojmy: triangle, square, rectangle, circle, plus, minus, equals to, numbers from 0 to 7, colours
frázy: What is it? It is circle.
What colour is triangle? Triangle is orange.
How many retangles are there? There are six rectangles.
four plus two equals to six
six minus three equals to three​

Téma: Numbers
Kľúčové slová: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, numbers.

Clil v 1.A
Téma: Geometrické tvary - Shapes
Kľúčové slová: triangle, rectangle, circle, square, colours: bule, yellow, red, green.

ročník: 1.B
téma: geometrické tvary - Shapes
kľúčové slová: triangle, rectangle, circle, square,
colours: bule, yellow, red, green, orange....
What´s this?
This is a triangel......
What coulor is circle?
Circle is blue.





  • Základná škola
  • Ul. Dr. Janského č.2
  • 965 01 Žiar nad Hronom
  • --------------------------------------
  • Telefón: +421 45 673 21 45
  • fax: +421 45 673 21 45
  • e-mail: skolazh@gmail.com
  • --------------------------------------
  • Školská jedáleň:
  • sjzsjan@gmail.com
  • +421 45 672 52 14