O škole

Špeciálny pedagóg

Výchovný poradca

Školský psychológ

English in Week

English week was very good experience. We did many interesting and instructing exercises. Our lecturer Joshua is excelent man. When we didn´t understand him, he told it slowly. He is very witty too. I´m glad I was there.

Student 2:
What did english week gave to me?
The english week gave me many experiences. For example conversation with native speaker. Then, I have met one great man, who taught us importent things. He was our lecturer. The english week was the best school week in my life. I was looking forward to school every day. We were great team. We did different activities or we played games. We could ask Joshua any question and he answered it. Josh taught us some greetings, slang phrases and told us where we did mistakes. This week was very funny, but we learnt new informations. I realized, that I have to learn very, very, very much.

Student 3:
English week was great. We could learnt in english language and widen words vocabulary. Our lector Joshua was phasing and nice. The lessons  were crazy too, because we played various competitions. Every day on last lesson we go to gym and play balls games. Joshua talked crazy stories to us. I thunk, that Joshua will be able to learn to us normallly at school.

Student 4:
English in Week was very entertaining. It wasn´t a normal english lesson, because we weren´t learning grammar, but we were doing different projects and games for English. Every day, Joshua was speaking with everybody of his day yesterday, and son on. Although I realy liked this week, I don´t think that I would learn so lot from this learning, because I need to know a normal grammar. I don´t regret that I attended this week. It was interesting experience.   




  • Základná škola
  • Ul. Dr. Janského č.2
  • 965 01 Žiar nad Hronom
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  • Telefón: +421 45 673 21 45
  • fax: +421 45 673 21 45
  • e-mail: skolazh@gmail.com
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  • Školská jedáleň:
  • sjzsjan@gmail.com
  • +421 45 672 52 14