O škole

Špeciálny pedagóg

Výchovný poradca

Školský psychológ

CLIL - 1. stupeň v šk. roku 2021/2022

Fotografie z niektorých hodín:


Prírodoveda/ Prvouka


Výtvarná výchova

Počet hodín s využitím metódy CLIL na jednotlivých predmetoch na I. stupni  v školskom roku 2021/2022:



1.A 2   8     2 4         16
1.B 2   8     2 4         16
2.A 4   10           2     16
2.B 4   10           2     16
3.A 4     8 4             16
3.B 4     8 4             16
4.A 4     8 4           4 20
4.B 4     8 4           4 20
SPOLU 28   36 32 16 4 8   4   8 136

Žiaci I. stupňa sa stretávajú na uvedených hodinách s metódou CLIL alebo s „clilovými sprchami“ v rôznych, ale aj opakujúcich sa témach. Používame vopred dohodnutú a presne určenú slovnú zásobu. Učitelia používajú metódu CLIL priebežne a systematicky počas vyučovania. Automaticky u deťoch upevňujú metódu CLIL počas dňa známymi frázami.


1. roč.


Geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle, circle , square, Numbers  from 1 to 10: plus, minus, equals, compare: less than ( menší než), greater than( väčší než), more than ( viac ako).



Colours: yellow, red, blue, green, white, black, pink, brown, orange, puprle, grey, mix colours.


Music: guitar, drum, violin, glute, trumpet.


School things: pencil case, pen, bag, pencil, rubber, book, notebook, crayon, ruler, paper.


The farm: chicken, cat, cow, horse, goat, sheep, duck, rabbit, milk, cheese, butter, egg, meat.


Family: mum, dad, granny, grandad, brother, sister, celebration, birthday.


How fruit grows: seed, plant, flower, fruit.







Systematické opakovanie 1.ročníka

Numbers from 11 do 20 compare: less than ( menší než), greater than( väčší než), more than ( viac ako), equals to ( rovná sa), the same ( rovnako) ,rue /false ( pravda/nepravda)

Geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle, circle , square  

3D shapes: sphere, cylinder, cube, cone, pyramid.





Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter

The Months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June,July, August, September, October, November, December

Life cycle of honey bee: egg ( vajíčko), larva ( larva), pupa( kukla), adult   ( dospelý jedinec) Queen ( kráľovná ), drone ( trúd ), worker( robotnica).



Free time: climb, dance, rollerblade, ride a bike, run, jump


Traffic: train, plane, bus, lorry, boat, motorbike, taxi, slow, fast, long, short.


Recycle: metal, plastic, glass, paper, recycle



In the garden: snake, bat, fox, hedgehog, mouse, frog, wings, head, teeth, tail, legs,arms. A hedgehog´s year: sleeps, makes a nest, has babies, wakes up.



Feelings: happy, sad, angry, tired, hungry, thirsty, confident (spoľahlivý), kindly ( láskavý), brave (statočný)

3. roč.


Pravdivosť výrokov priebežne celý rok true /false, compare: less than ( menši než), greater than( väčší než), more than (viac ako), equals to ( rovná sa), the same ( rovnako)

Bar  charts – survey, number, How many...?




Cardinal points: N-north, S-south, W-west, E-east

Ordinal points: NE-northeast, SE-southeast, SE-southwest, NW-northwest

Months of autumn are: September, October, November

Symbols of autumn: It´s rainy. It´s windy. I fly a kite. Leaves fall down.

Months of winter are: December, January, February

Symbols of winter: It´s cold.  It´s snowy. I make a snowman. Animals hibernate.

Months of spring are: March, April, May

Symbols of spring: It´s warm. I ride a bike. Flowers bloom. The birds come back.

Months of summer are: June, July, August

Symbols of summer: It´s hot. It´s sunny. I go swimming. Lots of green leaves.



The weather – It´s sunny. It´s raining. It´s snowing.  It´s cloudy.

Food – onions,  mushrooms, ham, peppers, soup, fish, salad, chicken, bread, fruit.

Insect animal, caterpillar, bee, butterfly, leaf insect, beetle, ant, grasshopper.

Cycle of water: sun, water, clouds, rain, snow, mountains, wind, sea, sky, river, drops of water.

The sun heats up the water from sea. The wind moves the clouds over the mountains. When the clouds are heavy, they fall back  to the ground. It ´s rainy. It´s snowy. Water flows into the sea.



Pravdivosť výrokov priebežne celý rok true /false

How to draw a triangle ruler,  rubber/eraser,  pencil,  sharpener, erase



Phrases of the Moon: full Moon - spln, new Moon,- nov,  first quarter - mesiac dorstá, last quarter- mesiac cúva the Earth , the  Moon, the  Sun

Mammals – baby, milk, vertebrates, backbone, warm blood

Respiratory system: Parts: mouth, nose, lungs, breath in(nádych) , breath out (výdych), nasal cavity (nosová dutina), oral cavity (ústna dutina)

What can we make from flour? – seed, plant, fields, tractor, big machine, mill, flour, bread, cakes, cereal, pasta, pizza




Cardinal points: N-north, S-south, W-west, E-east

Ordinal points: NE-northeast, SE-southeast, SE-southwest, NW-northwest

In the town – park, station, hospital, school, bridge, bank, restarurant, shop, swimming pool, in front of, between, opposite, behind



Christmas: candles,  present, Christmas tree,  Christmas card, advent calendar, bells, chimney-komín, , stockings-ponožky na darčeky, holly- cezmína, decorating door.

Easter: Easter bunny , Easter egg,  Easter basket, Easter egg hunt, collect





  • Základná škola
  • Ul. Dr. Janského č.2
  • 965 01 Žiar nad Hronom
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  • Telefón: +421 45 673 21 45
  • fax: +421 45 673 21 45
  • e-mail: skolazh@gmail.com
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  • Školská jedáleň:
  • sjzsjan@gmail.com
  • +421 45 672 52 14